Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 20-SEP-2023

Issued By: Grocery Bids Services Private Limited, a company duly incorporated under Companies Act, 2013, with its registered office located at C/o Sanjay kumar, Bahadur Pur, Phulwari Sharif Patna - 801505, Bihar, India. Grocery Bids Services Private Limited, hereinafter referred to as "the Company," is the legal owner of the brand "Grocery bids" and the web-based platform '' and the mobile application 'Grocery bids' (collectively referred to as "the Platform").


This Privacy Policy outlines the policies and procedures regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and protection of your information when you use the Platform. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, "We," "Us," or "Our" refer to the Company Grocery Bids Services Private Limited, as context may require, and "You," "Your," "Yourself," or "User" refer to users of the Platform.

We prioritize the security and privacy of Your information and maintain reasonable security standards to protect Your data and transactions.

Legal Framework

This Privacy Policy is an electronic record governed by the applicable laws and regulations. It does not require physical, electronic, or digital signatures and has been published in compliance with the relevant laws.

Acceptance of Privacy Policy

By visiting the Platform, setting up an account (Account) on the Platform, or using any of the Services provided through the Platform, You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. This includes consenting to the collection, storage, processing, transfer, and sharing of Your information, including Personal Information (defined below), in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

If You are under 18 years of age, You acknowledge that You are accessing the Platform under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who is of legal age to form a binding contract under the relevant laws. You also acknowledge that Your parent or legal guardian has accepted this Privacy Policy on Your behalf and granted You permission to use the Services.

We may update this Privacy Policy to comply with regulatory or administrative requirements. If significant changes are made, We will provide You with reasonable notice through the Platform or other communication channels. Your continued use of the Services after such changes will constitute Your consent to the updated Privacy Policy.

Relationship with Terms of Use

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and subject to the terms of use available on the Platform ("Terms"). It should be read harmoniously and in conjunction with the Terms. Capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy but not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Terms.

Collection of Information

We collect various types of information when You access, visit, or use the Platform. The information collected includes but is not limited to:

(a) Personal Information: This may include Your name, mobile number, email address, date of birth, gender, age, address details, proof of identity (such as Permanent Account Number (PAN), passport, driving license, the voter's identity card issued by the Election Commission of India, or any other document recognized by the Government for identification, ), and any other information voluntarily provided through the Platform.The act of providing Your Personal Information is voluntary in nature and We hereby agree and acknowledge that We will collect, use, store, transfer, deal with and share such details in compliance with applicable laws and this Privacy Policy

(b) Sensitive Personal Information: This category covers information such as passwords, financial details (bank account, credit card, debit card information), health-related data, sexual orientation, medical records, and any other information recognized as Sensitive Personal Information under prevailing laws. Information freely available or accessible in the public domain or furnished under the relevant laws is not considered Sensitive Personal Information.

(c) Transactional Information: Information related to Your transactions on the Platform, including transaction status, order history, and behavior or preferences on the Platform.

(d) Location-Based Information: When You use the Platform via mobile or other devices, we may receive information about Your location and IP address. We may collect precise location data if You grant permission through Your device's operating system. We use this information to provide location-based Services and diagnose server issues. You can withdraw location tracking consent at any time, but this may impact certain Platform functionalities.

(e) Background Location Permission for Delivery Partner App

  • Purpose - We request background location permission from our delivery men to track their real-time locations for the efficient routing of orders, tracking deliveries, and ensuring timely service.
  • Data Usage - The location data collected from delivery men is used solely for operational purposes within the app. We do not share this data with external parties.
  • User Control - Delivery men have the option to grant or revoke background location permission at any time through their device settings.
  • Data Retention - Location data is retained only for the duration necessary to fulfill delivery-related tasks and is deleted when no longer required for these purposes.
  • Security - We have implemented robust security measures to safeguard location data and protect the privacy of our delivery personnel. Location data is transmitted and stored securely to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure.

(f) Non-Personal Information: This category includes information such as internet protocol address, web request details, operating system, browser type, device type, device's telephone number, URL, internet service provider, and other browsing information. Non-Personal Information is collected to improve the Platform and analyze user behavior.

We may also use data collection devices like cookies to gather Non-Personal Information for various purposes, including authentication, remembering user preferences, delivering personalized content, measuring promotional effectiveness, and analyzing site traffic.

You have the option to decline cookies in Your browser settings, but this may affect certain Platform features. While You can browse the Platform anonymously, providing Personal Information is necessary when using certain Services.

If You post messages on the Platform's message boards, chat rooms, or other public areas or leave feedback, We will collect and store the information You provide to resolve disputes, provide customer support, respond to inquiries, and improve Services. We may retain Your Personal Information for the specified purposes and use it only in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Use of Information

We use the collected information for various purposes, including:

  1. Providing and improving Services requested by You.
  2. Internal business purposes and services like warehousing, delivery, IT support, and data analysis.
  3. Resolving disputes, administering the service, and diagnosing technical issues.
  4. Ensuring Platform security and integrity, as well as user safety.
  5. Designing and enhancing products, Services, and customer relationship management processes.
  6. Collecting payments for Services.
  7. Informing You about online/offline offers, products, services, and updates.
  8. Customizing Your Platform experience and sharing marketing material.
  9. Detecting, preventing, and protecting against errors, fraud, and illegal activities.
  10. Enforcing and communicating Terms.
  11. Processing Service requests, responding to comments, and handling queries.
  12. Contacting You through various communication modes regarding Services.
  13. Allowing service providers and business partners to present customized messages.
  14. Conforming to legal requirements and reporting to regulatory authorities.
  15. Fulfilling contractual obligations and enforcing rights.
  16. Conducting research with relevant partners.
  17. Other purposes with Your consent.

We may also request Your participation in optional online surveys, using the information collected to tailor Your Platform experience and send promotional emails, which You can opt-out of except for administrative messages, customer service responses, or other transactional communications. Your Personal Information will not be shared with other users without Your explicit consent.

Sharing of Information

We may disclose Your information, including Personal Information, to third-party service providers, consultants, partners, and delivery partners who work for or with Us to provide Services. These third parties are bound by contractual obligations to maintain confidentiality and use information only for specified purposes.

We may also share Your information to:

  • (a) Comply with legal requirements, respond to lawful requests, or investigate legal processes.
  • (b) Protect Our rights, the users, and others, including enforcing Terms, preventing illegal activities, or responding to emergencies.
  • (c) Facilitate mergers, sales, reorganizations, joint ventures, or business transfers.
  • (d) Ensure continuity of Platform operation in case of license agreement changes.
  • (e) Sharing of information with any member of Our Group or affiliated entities, third parties and transfer outside India: Subject to applicable law, we may at Our sole discretion, share Personal Information(including Sensitive Personal Information) to Our Group or affiliated entities, any third party that ensures at least the same level of data protection as is provided by Us under the terms hereof, located in India or any other country. By using the Platform, You accept the terms hereof and hereby consent to Us, sharing of Your Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information to OurGroup or affiliated entities, third parties, including in any location outsideIndia, provided that they ensure that Your Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information is protected in compliance with standards that are comparable to the standards of protection afforded to it in India..

Security Precautions and Measures:

  • The Platform has reasonable security measures and safeguards in place to protect Your privacy and Personal Information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, destruction, and alteration, in compliance with applicable laws. Further, whenever You change or access Your Account on the Platform or any information relating to it, the use of a secure server is offered. It is further clarified that You have and so long as You access and/or use the Platform (directly or indirectly)the obligation to ensure that You shall at all times take adequate physical, managerial, and technical safeguards, at Your end, to preserve the integrity and security of Your data which shall include and not be limited to Your Personal Information.
  • You will be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the Account information and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under Your Account. You agree to (a)immediately notify Us of any unauthorized use of Your Account information or any other breach of security, and (b) ensure that You exit from Your Account at the end of each session. We cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from Your failure to comply with this provision. You may be held liable for losses incurred by any of Us or any other user of or visitor to thePlatform due to authorized or unauthorized use of Your Account as a result of Your failure in keeping Your Account information secure and confidential.
  • When payment information is being transmitted on or through the Platform, it will be protected by encryption technology. Hence, we cannot guarantee that transmissions of Your payment-related information or Personal Information will always be secure or that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat the security measures taken by Us or Our third-party service providers. We assume no liability or responsibility for disclosure of Your information due to errors in transmission, unauthorized third-party access, or other causes beyond Our control. You play an important role in keeping Your Personal Information secure. You shall not share Your Personal Information or other security information for Your Account with anyone. We have undertaken reasonable measures to protect Your rights of privacy with respect to Your usage of thePlatform and the Services. However, We shall not be liable for any unauthorized or unlawful disclosures of Your Personal Information made by any third parties who are not subject to Our control.

Despite any provisions found in this Privacy Policy or elsewhere, we shall not bear responsibility for:

  • any security breaches on third-party websites or applications or for any actions of third-parties that receive Your PersonalInformation; or any loss, damage or misuse of Your Personal Information, if such loss, damage or misuse is attributable to a Force Majeure Event. For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, a “Force Majeure Event” shall mean any event that is beyond Our reasonable control and shall include, acts of God, fires, explosions, wars or other hostilities, insurrections, revolutions, strikes, labour unrest, earthquakes, floods, pandemic, epidemics or regulatory or quarantine restrictions, unforeseeable governmental restrictions or controls or a failure by a third party hosting provider or internet service provider or on account of any change or defect in the software and/or hardware of Your computer system.

Retention of Your Personal Information:

We maintain records of Your Personal Information only till such time it is required for the Purposes, or for as long as required by applicable law. When You request us to delete Your information, we will honour the said request, but we may retain certain information about you for the purposes authorized under thisPrivacy Policy unless prohibited by law.

Links to Other Third–Party Sites and collection of information:

The Platform may link You to other third-party Platforms(“Third-Party Sites”) that may collect Your Personal Information including Your IP address, browser specification, or operating system. We are not in any manner responsible for the security of such information or their privacy practices or content of those Third-Party Sites. Additionally, You may also encounter “cookies” or other similar devices on certain pages of the Third-Party Sites and it is hereby clarified that the Platform does not control the use of cookies by these Third-Party Sites. These third-party service providers and Third-Party Sites may have their own privacy policies governing the storage and retention of Your information that You may be subject to. This Privacy Policy does not govern any information provided to, stored on, or used by these third-party providers and Third-Party Sites. We recommend that when You enter a Third-Party Site, You review the Third-Party Site’s privacy policy as it relates to safeguarding of Your information. We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when You visit the Platform. These companies may use information (not includingYour name, address, email address, or telephone number) about Your visits to the Platform and Third-Party Sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to You. You agree and acknowledge that We are not liable for the information published in search results or by any Third-Party Sites.

Public Posts:

You may provide Your feedback, reviews, testimonials, etc. on the Platform on Your use of the Services (“Posts”). Any content or PersonalInformation and Posts that You share or upload on the publicly viewable portion of the Platform (on discussion boards, in messages and chat areas, etc.) will be publicly available, and can be viewed by other users and any and all intellectual property rights in and to such Posts shall vest with Us. Your Posts shall have to comply with the conditions relating to Posts as mentioned in the Terms. We shall retain an unconditional right to remove and delete any Post or such part of the Post that, in Our opinion, does not comply with the conditions in the Terms or where applicable law requires us to remove such Post. We reserve the right to use, reproduce and share Your Posts for any purpose. If You delete Your Posts from the Platform, copies of such Posts may remain viewable in archived pages, or such Posts may have been copied or stored by other Users.

Your Consent, Rectification and Changes to Privacy Policy:

  • Your acknowledgement: All information disclosed by You shall be deemed to be disclosed willingly and without any coercion. No liability pertaining to the authenticity / genuineness / misrepresentation /fraud / negligence of the information disclosed shall lie on Us nor will We be in any way responsible to verify any information obtained from You.
  • Withdrawal of consent: You may choose to withdraw Your consent provided here under at any point in time. You may do the same by visiting Home page ->Settings Icon-> Profile on the mobile application.In case You do not provide Your consent or later withdraw Your consent, We request You not to access thePlatform, Content or use the Services. We also reserve the right to not provideYou any Services and/or Content on the Platform and/or features of the Platform once You withdraw Your consent. In such a scenario, We will delete Your information (personal or otherwise)or de-identify it so that it is anonymous and not attributable to You. In the event, We retain the Personal Information post withdrawal or cancellation of Your consent, it shall retain it only for the period permitted under applicable laws.You should be aware that some of the Personal Information that may have been shared on third-party websites may still continue to be available as we do not have control over these websites.Your Personal Information may also appear in online searches. Other Personal Information that You have shared with others, or that other users have copied, may also remain visible. You should only share Personal Information with people that You trust because they will be able to save it or re-share it with others, including when they sync the Personal Information to a device.
  • Rectification of Your information: You may review, correct, update and change the information that You have provided to Us, at any point by making changes on the mobile application Homepage ->Settings Icon -> Profile. Should You choose to update Your Personal Information or modify it in a way that is not verifiable by Us, or leads to such information being incorrect, We will be unable to provide You with access to the Platform or the Services. We reserve the right to verify and authenticate Your identity and Your Personal Information in order to ensure that We are able to offer You Services and/or make available the Platform. We can only keep Your Personal Information up-to-date and accurate to the extent You provide us with the necessary information. It is Your responsibility to notify Us of any changes in Your Personal Information. Access to or correction, updating or deletion of Your Personal Information may be denied or limited by Us if it would violate another person’s rights and/or is not otherwise permitted by applicable law.
  • Changes to Our Privacy Policy: We reserve the unconditional right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time, and shall provide a notice to You of such changes. Any changes or updates will be effective immediately. You should review this Privacy Policy regularly for changes. You can determine if changes have been made by checking the “Last Updated” legend above. Your acceptance of the amended Privacy Policy by  continuing to visit the Platform or using theServices, shall signify Your consent to such changes and agreement to be legally bound by the same.

Grievance Officer:

We have appointed a grievance officer, under authorization, in accordance with the Information TechnologyAct, 2000 and the rules made thereunder, for the purpose of redressing any grievances or complaints You may have regarding the handling of Your Personal Information. You can contact the designated Grievance Officer for the purpose of this Privacy Policy, Anish Kumar, at [email protected]


© 2023 Grocery Bids Services Private Limited, All rights reserved